Search: Future-proof networks

Tejas Networks: Enabling Digital Transformation in Africa

28-Jul-2022 03:36 PM Future-proof networks

Global communication networks are experiencing unprecedented growth in network traffic due to a rapid uptick in mobile and home broadband usage, large-scale enterprise cloud adoption and the emergence of hyper-scale data centers. The pandemic has significantly accelerated this tr[...]

India's Digital Transformation Model

06-Jul-2021 01:35 PM Future-proof networks

What other developing nations can learn from India With more than a hundred countries looking to build their digital infrastructure, it would be worthwhile to give the India model a serious look. For people the world over, telecommunications has probably never been as impo[...]

Evolve-Transform-Scale – The right approach to building future-proof networks

13-Aug-2020 10:57 AM Future-proof networks

Global broadband networks are experiencing overwhelming network traffic due to a rapid uptake in mobile and home broadband usage, large-scale enterprise cloud adoption, and the emergence of hyper-scale data centers. The sudden outbreak of COVID-19 has not only amplified this tre[...]